Sunday, March 4, 2012

London Calling: Nail Design

Ok, here it is. In honor of London Fashion week, I have made an original nail design tutorial that's easy enough for any budding artist. This tutorial doesn't use any materials you don't already have in your house.
 Cool enough for pretty fashion icons, rock 'n rollers, or even plain Janes; the Union Jack pattern is totally eye-catching on your nails! 
Let's get started...

Step 1: Gather materials. Needed are red, blue and white nail polish, clear coat, masking tape and scissors. You will also need a thin paint brush.

Step 2: Paint your nails with the white. You may need two coats to fully cover. LET DRY COMPLETELY. If you don't let 'em dry, your nails will be ruined in the next steps.
Now, take your masking tape and cut two strips; place them in a cross pattern on your nail, right in the center. Then, cut two thinner strips and crisscross them over the thicker cross, mimicking the Union Jack pattern. Refer to picture for placement! Make sure your tape is fully pressed down, all the way to the edges of the nails. This will make for crisper lines.

Step 3: Paint! Paint right over all that tape with your blue, filling all the white space. As soon as you can, carefully rip the tape off. If you wait 'till the paint dries, you will ruin your design. When this blue is dried, take a thin paintbrush, and use it to carefully paint a red cross in that center white cross to finish the Union Jack. If you have any polish on your skin, clean it off with a q-tip as soon as you can; it's easier to clean when still wet. 

Step 4: Continue with each nail. My tape crosses stuck together like a decal, so I could reuse it. You might have to cut new tapes for each nail if yours does not stick as well. 
When you have completed each nail, you might need to re-touch some of the lines if they didn't come out perfect. You can use that paintbrush to touch up lines, just clean it off with nail polish remover in between colors.
Paint with clear gloss once EVERYTHING IS FULLY DRY. 
You are ready to rock!

If you share/use/post this tutorial, please link back to me. It is much appreciated!


  1. I'll do it! I loved it! OMG! hahaha But I'll do it only in one nail. I'm not that patient. xx

  2. Super idea and great tutorial! Remember the diagonal red stripes too. ;)

  3. I did this to spice up my plain black work clothes! I did the flags on my thumbs and big toes and did random red, white and blue shapes on the other fingers and toes. So pretty and easy! Thanks!

  4. I tried it ! (: I did all my nails && It was a little difficult because i have short nails but they look cute && it popped against my school uniform ! thank you for the help !
