Sunday, March 11, 2012

YSL Mondrain Nail Design

Another nail design tutorial! This time, it's YSL-inspired. You know the iconic Mondrian dress? Well, you can create this on your nails; who knew? Anyways, with a couple of simple steps, you can have this super-cool mani done and ready to wear anywhere. It's pretty similar to my last tutorial, so that means once you get the technique down, you're ready to roll. 

Step 1: Gather materials. Needed are scissors, masking tape, a thin paintbrush, and white, black, yellow, red and blue polish. You also want a nice clear topcoat to finish, and as always polish remover and Q-tips for easy cleanup!

Step 2: Paint a coat of white (or two, if your polish is thin). LET DRY COMPLETELY. Next, cut really thin strips of tape; I used three strips per nail. Set these up so they make a nice Mondrian-esque geometric grid on your nails. You can do a different arrangement on each nail for added interest. Once you've got the tape nice and pressed down (so polish doesn't leak underneath), paint one chunk red, one chunk yellow, and one chunk blue. Leave the others white, to mimic Mondrian's iconic art. Like in the last tutorial, rip the tape strips off as soon as you can (start with the tape on top of the rest, then the one underneath, then the last one to prevent smearing). 

Step 3: Take your black paint, and use your paintbrush to paint over where your tape grid was. Make nice even black lines to finish outlining your color chunks. Clean off any polish on your fingers before it dries. 
Repeat for next nail (see, I have a different tape composition on this nail).

Step 4: Repeat step 2 for this nail. Continue taping, painting the chunks, and ripping the tape off. Then, continue with step 3 for all the nails, finishing your grids with black paint. Clean off any polish from your cuticles/fingers with the Q-tips. Let them dry completely. Finish with topcoat!

Very Mondrian!

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