Friday, March 2, 2012

Lightning Bolt Necklace

From Diane Kordas

This super-chic necklace from Diane Kordas, found on fashion site Net-A-Porter, is the topic of my latest tutorial. It combines 18k Rose Gold with black diamonds, with a blackened gold setting, with a pretty hefty price tag of  $755. That's ok, don't fret; you can indeed make your own look-alike for pennies, thanks to some clay, glitter, and glue.

My Version
For my version, I chose to add both black and gold glitter to my pendant for a "gold-dusted" look. If you want yours to be totally black, stick with just black glitter. You can even do different color glitters for different colored looks!
Let's get started.

Step 1: Gather materials. Needed are clay, a chain and small jumping or head pin, tissue blades or Xacto knives, lacquer, and fine glitter.

Step 2: Make the bolt. I rolled my clay out to setting 3 on a pasta machine. If you don't have one, roll till about 1/8" thin or so. Then, use your blade to cut a small lightning bolt shape like this out.

Step 3: Add the glitter. Place your cutout in the bottom of a small bowl (to contain the glitter!). Take your black glitter with a paintbrush, and "paint" a small amount on top of the clay. Use your finger to push into the clay to adhere. Don't push too much or you'll disfigure your lightning bolt. I then added a bit of gold sparkle glitter on top, pressed in, for a more gold-dusted look. If you don't even want black or gold, feel free to mix other glitters for a custom look! You could even apply this technique to different cutout shapes!

Step 4: Go bake your bolt for about 15 min. (I bake at about 120 degrees in a toaster oven). When done and cooled, paint your bolt with a bit of lacquer to finish. Then, I superglued a small headpin I looped at the end at the back of the bolt. You could do my hot-glue then superglue technique as well for more security. Add your chain!

Finished! Sparkly and cool.

If you share/use/post this tutorial, please link back to me. It is much appreciated!