Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The Lyric Necklace, Vanessa Mooney Tutorial

I really like this necklace, because as soon as I saw it it gave me of a somewhat gypsy-style, bohemian vibe, which is totally my style. This is something that I would wear myself! Most of the stuff on my blog I give away to family members because it's not necessarily my style....
But this one I will keep. 

As you can see, I used a palette of silvers and blues, different from the real deal. Feel free to use different color chain and findings paired with different color beads for any look. This is a great dressy but casual necklace, and if you layer with longer necklaces, it gives a great boho feel.

It looks difficult to make when you see the real deal, but trust me, it's just a matter of detailed beadwork and wirework! Totally doable.

The most important thing here is the chevron pattern the necklace makes. Be aware of the length of your bead sections, you may need to alter the measurements just a bit.
Let's get started!

Step 1: Gather materials. Needed are pliers, necklace chain, a clasp, a jumpring, 20g wire, headpins (7),  bugle beads and seed beads.

Step 2: Take 7 headpins (make sure they are the ones with the ball end) and thread on two bugle beads, and one seed bead on each headpin. Bend the excess wire at a 90 degree angle.

Step 3: Cut this headpin about .25" or so from the last bead. Take your pliers and loop this excess wire.

Step 4: Now, with your wire, cut 7 pieces of about 2" wire. Thread on your seed beads: 6 seed beads on two of the wires, 8 seed beads on two of the wires, 10 on two of the wires, and 12 on one of the wires. I used size 11 seed beads.

Step 5: Repeat step 3 for all of these new wires. Take each seed bead wire and loop it to a corresponding bugle bead wire, closing to secure.

Step 6: Cut a 3" piece of wire, and loop on end. Thread on one seed bead, then your 6-seed-bead wire, then a seed bead, then your 8-seed-bead wire, then a seed bead, then your 10-seed-bead wire, then a seed bead, then a 12-seed-bead wire. Repeat this last sentence in reverse. Cut and loop the end to secure.

Step 7: Take two 1" lengths of your chain, and attach them to the side loops of your bead panel. Take your jumpring and use it to attach the two pieces of chain. With your remaining chain, cut a length that's long enough for your necklace (probably 18"), thread it through the jump ring, and then finish off with a clasp. 


If you share/use/post this tutorial, please link back to me.
It is much appreciated! Don't use my photos without crediting me please!

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