Saturday, June 23, 2012

Nugaard Jequibita Leaf Earrings

These Nugaard Jequibita Leaf earrings are very cool. They are unexpected yet chic, with their silver sheen. At $173 though, I think I will try to make them myself!
The best part is that you can make them any size you want them; you just have to find yourself a good leaf!

I used a much smaller leaf to give me smaller earrings. The real deal ones are 2" long! 
It's summer, so go outside and find yourself a nice little leaf and let's get started. 

Summer just got chicer!

Step 1: Gather materials. Needed are two earring posts, clay, a leaf, silver clay and super glue.

Step 2: Make the leaves. Take a marble of clay, and flatten through the thickest setting on a pasta machine. Place your leaf on top, and run it through the machine about 2 clicks thinner. It should be pressed into the clay like this. Gently peel off leaf. Repeat for second earring.
If you don't have a pasta machine, use a rolling pin to flatten the clay!

Step 3: Cut out your leaves with an Xacto, make sure it's a clean cut! 
Now, bake these (I always use a toaster oven at about 125 degrees for like 10 minutes). Once cool, paint with your silver paint. Glue on the posts.

Looks like dipped leaves!


  1. This is such an amazing DIY! :) I'll definitely be trying!


  2. So simple and so cute! What a great idea. :D
