Thursday, June 20, 2013

Day 5: Lincoln Road Mall PLUS Quick Photoshop Tutorial

 Lincoln Road Mall in SoBe goes on and on forever! Today, a shopping spree occurred, and I didn't even have time to walk the full length of the mall and visit all the stores. However, my favorite of them all.....

....I sure visited.


I thought it would be a good time for an easy Photshop tutorial, seeing as though I did not bring any jewelry making supplies with me on vacation. This tutorial is a really easy, less than 5 minute tutorial which can really help you become more familiar with Photoshop and what it can do. We will be creating the "Juicy" text image seen 3 pictures above this paragraph.
This is customizable, customize the text and image to create all different graphics!

Step 1: Open up your background image. Textures are good here, and we don't want white areas in the image because it will make the text somehwhat invisible. This image of gems I took while on my shopping spree.

Step 2: Click on the Type tool; the left-hand side of Photoshop in that vertical menu bar, the big "T' button. Type your font here. I used Juicy Couture's font. To make the font bigger to fill the screen, I use the direct selection tool (the first button in the left-hand menu bar, the first button with the black arrow) and hold shift while dragging a corner of the box out to enlarge the font.

Step 3: Double-click on the Background layer. Click the OK button. This will unlock this layer (background layers are always locked, meaning we can't move the layer at all).

Step 4: Drag the background layer, now called Layer 0, above the Text layer (in my case named Juicy) and then release the mouse. The text layer will disappear! But don't worry......

Step 5: Right click on Layer 0. Click on the "Create Clipping Mask" in the dropdown menu.

Your background image will now only be covering the text! Go to file, save as, and save as a JPEG (or standard image file). There you have it!

Like I said, this technique is limitless. Make your background image related to your text to keep the look cohesive!

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