Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Disco Ball Nails

I love them. I decided they'd be even better on nails than this Alice and Olivia dress.
The technique is really easy, all that's needed is some thick-cut glitter and clear nail polish.

Let's begin.

Step 1: Gather materials. Needed are clear coat, white nailpolish, and thicker cut glitter (not the fine stuff).

Step 2: Paint your nails with a coat of white. Let dry, then place a coat of clear on the nail. Dip immediately into the glitter. 

Step 3: When clear coat is still sort of wet, push glitter down on to nail. Flick off any of the fuzzy glitter and push down so only one layer of the glitter is on the nails. See the difference in the bottom row of pics? (first two before cleaning, last two after). On the top pic, my pinkie and ring finger haven't been cleaned, while the middle and first finger have. Make sure you take off any glitter that's sticking out so it's a nice flat, clean layer. Repeat with other nails.
Coat every nail with top coat to hold glitter on.

Nails sparkle like disco balls! Feel free to use multicolored glitter for a fun effect!

All photos and instructions copyright Allison Cooling for Quiet Lion Creations.
If you share/use/post this tutorial, please link back to me. It is much appreciated!

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