Tuesday, May 5, 2015

overcoming *organizational* challenges in beading

This photo is shameful. But, sadly, it's how the top of my studio desk looked a couple weeks back. Random beads, half-finished pieces of jewelry, plastic animal figurines (why?…) and more littered about left me with no space to work on.

My biggest challenge in any jewelry making endeavor is without a doubt my ORGANIZATION. I have the hardest time even starting a project, because I can't ever find the right materials - because my desk looks like the above picture! It takes me hours to finish a project that should take minutes, because I have to sort through disorganized piles of mess to find jump rings, headpins, just the basics needed for jewelry making. Honestly, it's super aggravating, as you could imagine!

Well, I have found a stylish solution - organizing my mess into jars and labeling them with nothing other than sparkly tape creates bright, easy-to-read containers that can be reused and recycled once they are empty.

I picked up a bunch of these little jars from a flea market- most of them were vintage baby food jars and such. These make super great containers for beads, findings, pendants and more.

I also have a ton of this glitter tape (I found this at JoAnn, you can also use washi tape too!) - I cut them into pennant shapes and stuck on the jars. Because, of course, I need sparkle everywhere in my studio!

Use light colors of this glitter tape for easy reading. Write on these pennant labels with a Sharpie. You can write bead sizes (which I do) bead styles (for gemstones) or really whatever will help you stay organized most. For jump rings, crimp covers and crystals I usually sort by bead size or millimeter. I always label my gemstones by name and origin, if I'm given one.

This is how I label all my jars now. I store these on a shelving unit in my studio. That first picture?! All nicely organized into jars.
I'm already seeing the difference - my jewelry making goes much, much faster and I'm no longer burdened by the challenge of actually FINDING my materials before I use them!
What do you think?! How do you stay organized?!


  1. Oh, what a great idea, I never thought of using jars, the good thing is that they hold more beads than the square sections you get in the bead boxes. I'm going to have to start hunting for jars. Labelling is great aswell, colourful and eye-catching!

  2. Love it!!! And do you travel and consult on such creative chaotic matters? :) Love the sparkly tape!! Super fun!
