Saturday, May 2, 2015

love your bedroom - photo inspo

In case anyone was wondering or curious of The Quiet Lion's abode, I've got a little photo montage here of my creative space - my bedroom.
Instead of giving you one big picture, I'm breaking it down into small elements, the ones I like the most. I'm not even gonna show you my bed, because that needs a re-model. I always love those crisp, white linens that I see in a lot of high-end bloggers Instagram posts, and my bedding is far from that.  A setup from luxury bedding company Parachute would totally get me on that VIP status. And, their cool linen decorative pillows would the look with a pop of color.
But aside from just my bed, multiple other components combine to create this space, and I'm giving you a small offering of them below. Are you ready to take the journey?


What you're looking at above is my, um, wallpaper. Yes, I peeled apart every fashion magazine I own (mainly Harper's Bazaar, Vogue and Elle), curating a collection of my most favorite photography and advertisements from the issues. Images that are most inspiring to me, images that have great color palettes, images that "pop" the most are always selected. I switch out the "wallpaper" in batches (I probably switch it once per year) because, well, the ads get old. With each new refresh, an entirely different mood forms - different hues, forms and shapes, overall aesthetics and design styles of the ads contributes to the overall feeling of the set. A chinese lantern bought in Chinatown Chicago is just a must - my handmade bunting made from recycled tees adds a hippie vibe, and the multicolor Italian lights are not just for Christmas people. I'm a more is better person - pile on the stuff.
Yes, these are all tacked up with thumbtacks. Not ideal. However, these thumbtacks do provide great hanging space for all my necklaces. On the left, you can see my entire wall covered in necklaces. Ceiling to almost floor. A mix of my handmade ones with store-bought. That's basically my room - a mix of handmade and machine-made elements.

Aside from just necklaces, jewelry of all sorts is dotted about. Here, not handmade, but surely still cool bangles. I often wear mixed metals (as you probably know by now) and hate things that match. I use scarves (I have many scarves as well) as table cloths (or in this case, nightstand-cloths) which is something you should try with your room! If you've got some you're not wearing, why not use them as a cool table decoration?!

Oh, and mobiles. I like mobiles or random things that hang. I have a huge shell one (not pictured in this post) I got in Florida that hangs in the corner. I also have my Crystal Eclipse mobile showing in the window, along with some other odds and ends. On the right, feathers, and another scarf-as-tablecloth.

And going with the more is better theme, this is my latest project (more to come soon), my victorian goth lamp. I took an old, decrepit  lamp from a Greek wedding hall and re-vamped it. It was a gross tarnished brass color, and literally falling apart with a fringy, stained lampshade. The crystals though, upon a nice washing, were totally sparkly and looked like Swarovskis - they were definitely high quality vintage glass. I fixed up the hardware and spray-painted the whole thing black. Black is my favorite color, as you may know. I added a modern shade and called it done. Here, I have my Mermaid Shell Dangles also decorating the lamp, well, just because. Then, a Himalayan salt lamp and skull incense holder to complete. Nothing really goes together, have you noticed?

In the corner sit my guitars (no, far from Les Pauls but that's ok) - and…. CATS. You know my obsession for cats by now if you are a reader. Here's a little taste. I have many cat figurines (here a waving lucky cat from Chinatown in Chicago again), a lucky sleeping cat and cat charm. My buddha and money frog make an appearance too.

And again, jewelry. And perfume. Most of my perfume is the free Nordstrom vial sort, but I also like Lush perfume. In the back stand my other two favorites, Versace Yellow Diamond and Vera Wang Princess. The only thing missing is my absolute favorite, Prada Infusion d'Iris. Crystals and perfume match so well. Oh, and these metallic dishes? From Goodwill. I always go there to get props for my jewelry photography and they end up being useful to hold all my other miscellaneous items when not in a shoot.

A touch of handmade - my Prada copycat sign. My tutorial for that is here. And more lights. I really like these fairy lights which I found on Ebay. If I could cover the entire room in those I would. Maybe I will.

More cats, my all time favorite shoes!! And glitter shoes too. Again, scarf as tablecloth. Get the theme here?

Alright, that's all you get to see today. I'll leave you, hopefully inspiring you to create a space that you totally dig!

All photos copyright Allison Beth Cooling. Do not post or reuse without linking back to me and crediting me.

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