Friday, February 27, 2015

guest post: author sophie childs

For all my book lovers out there, I was contacted by SoVain Books with news of a new release. Author Sophie Childs' novel, Behind the Scenes, is perfect for all fiction and chicklit readers. I did a short interview with the author about the book, her hobbies, plans for the future and more. Sophie is a freelance writer living in Wales with her husband and family. Behind the Scenes is her first novel, and was inspired by her tiring years working in offices with rude bosses. Here is an excerpt about Behind the Scenes from the SoVain website:

"Bethan Brooks works in London for the ultimate boss from Hell, trying to support her wannabe rockstar boyfriend. But are The Vampire Squirrels really ever going to make it big or is she doomed to be a secretary forever? Luckily, Bethan finds the perfect escape when going to the cinema. There she loses herself in another world and forgets all about the dreaded filing and monotonous office work. Imagine her surprise when one day she encounters her favourite actor on the Tube. Suddenly, she finds herself part of the glamorous movie world she only ever dreamed about. With more at stake than she could ever realise, does she really want to know what goes on behind the scenes?"

My interview with Sophie is below!

You talk about inspiration in your bio - can you elaborate on what specifically inspired you to write your first novel?

SC: I was writing for a movie website and read an article about how Keanu Reeves is known for travelling on the New York subway, so I started to wonder what would happen if someone met their favourite actor on the Tube. I love using real life experience as the springboard for stories, and I used to work in offices and absolutely hated it, eventually handing in my notice to pursue a more creative career, so that led me to think about ways in which someone might escape office life. When I combined those two elements, it gave me the outline for what became my novel.

As I am a freelance graphic designer, and you a freelance writer, we both share a similar career. What are some of the pluses of being "freelance", as opposed to working under a certain company/organization?

SC: I have five children and I home educate them, so one of the biggest benefits of freelance work is that I can fit it around the children. Not being confined to 9 to 5 is a real plus. I also love the fact that my work is so varied. Recently, I’ve written scripts for radio ads, music singles and graphic novels, as well as book blurbs and children’s books. Who wouldn’t love being able to do such a wide range of projects? 3. In your free time, do you have any other creative hobbies that you enjoy besides writing? Writing is genuinely my hobby as well as my work, so I quite often write for myself when I’m not writing for clients. I used to love doing cross stitch, but it’s hard to find the time to sit down and do more than a few stitches. However, I’ve also recently rediscovered colouring. I saw how much fun my children had colouring in pictures, so I got myself some really detailed colouring books and was instantly hooked! It’s terribly therapeutic not having to think about anything while you create something that looks amazing.  I’m also a musician. I used to run an open mic night in London and write my own songs, although since I’ve had children, performing has taken a bit of a back seat.

Do you have any favorite artists or authors that you admire?

SC: I adore Guy Gavriel Kay. My favourite book of all time is ‘Tigana’ and I really admire how he manages to make even the most minor character interesting in just a couple of sentences.  I also really enjoy reading Mike Gayle. I think it’s really interesting getting the male perspective on relationships and his books are always a really easy read.

What are some of your favorite magazines or publications?! Mine are Harpers Bazaar and Vogue (of course).

SC: Celebrity gossip is a bit of a guilty pleasure of mine, so I do enjoy reading Heat. I also love Glamour – especially when they include free books!

Even though this is your first book, are you looking into the future?! Do you think you'll stick with fiction, or branch out into other arenas?

SC: I’m currently working on my second novel for So Vain Books. I’m really excited about the concept and the characters I’ve come up with, so it’s been a lot of fun writing it. I’m also co-writing a thriller with a friend about a reality show that’s a little like Big Brother crossed with Survivor and the Mole, with a bit of murder thrown in for good measure! I’d really like to get a few books out over the next few years. Hopefully people will enjoy reading them as much as I’m enjoying writing them!

If this book is up your alley, you can grab it on SoVain and read till your heart's content!
Thank you Sophie for your time!

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