Monday, February 16, 2015

greek isle - bead palette

When starting any project, I always like to set aside for myself a nice solid foundation. Bead types, colors, accessory images and magazine clippings, anything that really creates a certain type of "mood" or feeling. Usually I work so fast that as soon as the pile comes together, it's being ripped apart - literally. However, it has come to my attention that it is probably beneficial to photograph these certain sparkly menageries. I can keep tabs of my past projects and inspirations that way, and maybe even inspire you to create matching projects! My Greek Isle bead palette was inspired by the rocky Mediterranean shores of Milos, Greece. Crisp whites are a must, paired with that bright, bold, perfectly Aegean blue. Creamy neutrals can also play here, and of course we must add shine with pure Greek gold. My bead strands, pendant and crystals are from Cousin Corporation, while the shell beads and cord are from Happy Mango. Overall, a clean, blissful, rich mix.

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