Friday, December 9, 2011

ASOS Bottlecap Ring DIY

Kitschy cute! This ASOS designer bottletop ring is super fun and really easy to make on your own. It's really as simple as painting an old, recycled bottle cap and gluing on a ring blank. Customize the colors and the face for your own unique look!  
Best of all, this only takes THREE STEPS!! Super-quick to make. Make them in all different colors and with different expressions!

DIY version

 Let's get started.

Step 1: Gather materials. Needed are acrylic paints (use white and black for the ASOS look), clear lacquer (or clear nail polish), a paintbrush, an old bottle cap, and a ring blank. You will also need hot glue and super glue.

Step 2: Use the white to paint your bottle cap, sides and all. You need a lot of coats, maybe like 8 or more. Make sure paint is completely dry before applying next coat. When you've got a solid white, draw on your cap with a pencil to outline the features. Then, paint them in with black acrylic. Let dry.

Step 3: Take your hot glue, and make a huge blob in the center of the bottle cap. Attach your ring blank. When the glue is dry, pull the blank away from the bottle cap, making sure the hot glue is still attached. This will make a "mold" of sorts for your ring blank to sit in, and make it fit nicer in the cap. Then, take superglue and smear over the glue glob and re-attach. This will give a nice, stronger hold with your glue. Let dry, then paint over the front with clear lacquer for shine. Let dry.
FINSIHED. Isn't that simple?!

I made a pirate and a girl with eyelashes too!
The trio


  1. Oh my word, those are sooooo cute! We always save bottlecaps around here, just in case we need them for a craft...I may have to try this out!


  2. again, nothing I'd be able to pull off myself, but a certain little lady I know totally needs them in her life. Diggin' the pirate!
