Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Vintage whimsy Perfume Potions

Perfume Potion Vintage Necklaces by Allison beth Cooling Perfume Potion Vintage Necklaces by Allison beth Cooling Perfume Potion Vintage Necklaces by Allison beth Cooling Perfume Potion Vintage Necklaces by Allison beth Cooling Perfume Potion Vintage Necklaces by Allison beth Cooling

It's a NEW batch of my ever popular Perfume Potion necklaces. I've done Chanel Perfume Necklaces, a Miss Dior Potion Necklace and a J'adore Dior Potion Necklace - each a little different, but all "upcycled" - the most important part! I love taking empty perfume bottles (some of which are so beautiful, and beckoning to become something else!) and recycling them into glam, sparkly accessories. This time, I've got a group of five pieces, each unique and with its own character.

It's a mix of old meets new; the left three (all Dior) are more modern, reflecting a contemporary design. The rightmost two use bottles and vintage cameos I found at a flea market. A contrast of styles, but all follow the same idea. Filling these bottles with glitter, pearls, beads and metallic flake, then gluing the tops shut and harnessing them with different styles of chain turns these seemingly "unusable" bottles into something entirely new. Swarovski crystals are always welcome in my designs, and they star here in the form of flat backs and rhinestone chain. For a little bohemian touch, I always love to mix metals. Copper with gold, silver with gold, there is no right or wrong way. I think it adds a bit of whimsy, which is what these necklaces are all about!

So since this is a DIY blog, and I didn't take any step by step pics of me making these (I know, I'm sorry!), I thought I might put together a little fragrance guide. The holidays are right around the corner, and I feel perfume is always a good gift idea, no thinking involved. I mean, unless you pick something they totally hate. That would be bad. Don't worry though, I've picked my top 6 scents below- 3 clean scents, and 3 sweet scents. I feel those are the best bets- a lot of people don't like something heavy like Chanel No. 5 (but it's a classic!!), so usually something light or with a hint of sweetness works.

So basically my entire perfume collection is comprised solely of Nordstrom sample vials- I'm not cheap, I just like to "test" everything. There is nothing worse than spraying on something that gives you an instant migraine, so I always try scents out before buying. I think I've amassed about 30 vials, and am not ashamed of that; blame it on my indecisiveness. But, through my research (you didn't know I was a perfume connoisseur, did you?!) I've studied the good and the bad.

So, here are my top pics, sans migraine-inducing scents:

clean scents

Cartier Baiser Vole
You can't go wrong with Cartier, but some of their cents can be heavy. This is a "white flower" scent, which I usually don't like, but it is just so clean and crisp. It smells like a mix of lilies and fresh mountain air, and it lasts forever. Plus, the packaging is super luxe.

Versace Yellow Diamond
For anyone who loves glitz and glam, this bottle alone fits the bill. The scent is bright, smells a little citrusy to me, with hints of amber and freesia flower. Definitely a scent that reminds me of a beachy place with palm trees, sand, and summer.

Prada Milano Infusion D'Iris
This is my FAVORITE SCENT OF ALL TIME. It's in all caps because it's pretty important people. If you want perfume, you want this perfume. It's light, airy, flowery, calming, serene. Reminds me of walking in wildflowers and cobblestone paths in Rome.
sweet scents

Marc Jacobs Honey
This literally smells like honey - duh. Not a sickening sweet, sticky-type honey, but more like the deep notes of honey and sugar. It lingers at the end, and smells a bit fruity as well. Very unique!

Flowerbomb by Viktor & Rolf
A super sweet, cotton candy-like perfume that smells like a mix of candy and roses. Definitely feminine, perfect for those who literally love candy (like me). I love the contrasting grenade-type bottle.

Vera Wang Princess
Definitely has vanilla notes, as well as amber and sandalwood. Smells like a vanilla milkshake- mmmmmm. The bottle is great for girly girls, as it literally looks like a purple heart-shaped diamond, topped with a crystal crown.

If anyone wants to send me some complimentary bottles, feel free (jk - no, not really) - you now know my favs. But in all seriousness, I hope my creations inspire you to recycle, upcycle, and get creative with your crafting! That's what it's all about!

If you're ever wondering where I get all my props from, check your local Goodwill store - I've gotten so many dishes from them, some really pretty ones (like this blue one below) that are like 50 cents each. You can't beat it! Plus, there's something new every time I go. That cute little cupid mirror I use here was from an estate sale (those and flea markets also have great vintage finds), and I love mixing all different props for that sort of, curated chaos look. I'm leaving you with many more inspo photos to finish. Craft on, people!

Perfume Potion Vintage Necklaces by Allison beth Cooling Perfume Potion Vintage Necklaces by Allison beth Cooling Recycled perfume bottle necklaces Necklaces by Allison beth Cooling Perfume Potion Vintage Necklaces by Allison beth Cooling Recycled perfume bottle necklaces Necklaces by Allison beth Cooling Dior Perfume Bottle Necklaces by Allison beth Cooling Recycled perfume bottle necklaces Necklaces by Allison beth Cooling Recycled perfume bottle necklaces Necklaces by Allison beth Cooling

Because I take all photos for my blog, the images within this post are all copyright Allison Beth Cooling for Quiet Lion Creations. If you'd like permission to use a photo, email me at

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