Tuesday, July 26, 2016

for those about to rock....

Model credit: Flávio Aguirre
Photography copyright Allison Cooling for Quiet Lion Creations

I salute anyone who is reading right now -- you're a Quiet Lion fan, a rockstar, and you definitely love DIY jewelry, am I right?!

Well, it's that time again -- I feel like every summer, I churn out some sort of men's jewelry. Behold 2016's collection -- plenty of metal, the occasional amulet, and even guitar strings and bullets. The colors, bold BLACK X GOLD X RED X BLUE are definitely staples for guys, 'ya can't go wrong. 

My favorite pieces are the men's malas- made with real garnet stones and tibetan pendants, it's definitely a sharp update on the usual bohemian accessory.

Now, back to the guitars. Trend report: guitar string jewelry. I've been seeing this slowly creeping into the mainstream jewelry realm < not that we're mainstream at QLC >, but I definitely think it's a cool idea. I did mine the right way, by using ACTUAL broken guitar strings -- I'm not sure who's supplying these other companies with THAT much string product. But, I won't get political here. Basically, it's like a really thick beading wire (and very stiff), so a little tricky to work with. Use the thinner strings for easier jewelry making. I mixed with more metal beads, garnet and black agate beads.

Finally, them bullets. Again, upcycled, they make a perfectly edgy pendant necklace when paired with quartz points (you can grab great ones, in all colors, on Etsy!) and simple ball chain for a slightly military look. A single Swarovski crystal skull adds serious sparkle (yes, sparkle is OK for guys), especially when mixed with fishbone chain.

I'm definitely planning on some tutorials for these pieces - stay tuned!!

So in the meantime, strike a power chord, light some sparklers, wreak havoc; just don't blame me ;).
Because I take all photos for my blog, the images within this post are all copyright Allison Beth Cooling for Quiet Lion Creations.
If you'd like permission to use a photo, email me at allison@quietlioncreations.com

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