Thursday, April 11, 2013

Illamasqua Speckled Nail Polish DIY

Another springtime nail tutorial! 
I recently went to Sephora and saw the Illamasqua Speckled Nail Polish line. These polishes are supposed to look like speckled eggs, perfect for the spring.
These polishes are $16 each. So, I naturally looked for a DIY version.
All that's needed is black glitter, nail polish and clear coat. So simple!
Let's get started.

Step 1: Gather materials. Needed is a bottle of pastel nail polish and top coat, nail polish remover, black superfine glitter and black chunkier glitter. The glitter I had was square-cut, but if you want the total look use circle-cut glitter for the chunky glitter. Also, my chunky glitter here is a weird silvery color: be sure to use black to get the real Illamasaqua look.

Step 2: I started with a base coat of my mint green. Then, I poured a little of the nail polish out onto a plastic tupperware lid, mixed in a large pinch of the black superfine glitter. 

Step 3: I painted a coat of this onto my nails. Once this is dry, if you don't feel like there is enough glitter paint another coat.
Next, I took a pinch of the chunkier glitter, poured some clear nail gloss, and a touch of the mint green and mixed them together. This is to get that glossy look of the Illamasqua with a touch of color from the mint polish to mute the glitter and cut the shine. The glitter shouldn't look like glitter, it should look like speckles.
Mix this polish and glitter and apply over your fine glitter coat. Let this dry. I finished off with another top coat.

Let all your nails dry! See, you didn't have to spend anywhere near $16!

Use all different pastel colors for different looks!

Images/text copyright Allison Beth Cooling. Do not use my photos without crediting me, and if using this tutorial please link back!

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